Friday, October 10, 2008

Socko Killer, Qu'est-ce que c'est?

At the suggestion of my sister, Amy,
I've decided to join the fun and try out my first Shadow Shot Sunday entry, this is my entry, which is a character from a film I shot but didn't edit. Here is my SSS entry:

I just participated in the OCC's 48 hour film festival. You get an envelope on Friday with your genre, theme, object, character, and line that must be included in your film. you must turn in your finished film by Sunday at 4:30.

I was a last minute addition and I was paired up with another last minute addition whose only qualifications were that he liked movies and had a film camera. We drew the following envelope:

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Theme: Murder

Character: Fraudulent Hypnotist

Object: Orchid

Dialogue: It's always worse afterwards

So I feverishly went to work, writing throughout the night, and came up with the following screenplay


Fade in to a glass door with "DR. W. BUFFALO PSYCHOTHERAPIST" stenciled on it. ECU to the words PSYCHO


our Neurotic (sock puppet Woody Allen meets Norman Bates) character lies framed upside down on the couch and rambles about loneliness and depression. He is a recovering serial killer.

CU to Dr. Buffalo's (a sock puppet with glasses, mustache, bushy eye brows and googly eyes)sketch pad, he is writing a grocery list that includes eggs, butter, bread, and Tinactin.

Buffalo: Have you tried taking up a hobby?

Norman Allen: I like taxidermy, its like Christmas everyday, only you stuff the stockings with embalming materials instead of small candies.

Buffalo: How about getting out once in a while, maybe take a stroll through the mall?

Norman: I've tried that. I wandered into a lingerie store, but they kicked me out. A saleswoman walked up and asked if I needed help, I said, " No thanks, I'm just here to feel up the mannequins."

Buffalo: Have you tried making friends with the opposite sex lately?

Norman:I've had dates, but it always ends up the same, one minute you're buying her flowers, the next minute you're dumping her body into a river. It's like an M. Night Shyamalan film: its great at first, but it's always worse afterwards.

CU of Dr's sketch pad, he is listing words that rhyme with murder: squirter, girder, hearder, frankfurter, and has crossed out James Thurber.

Buffalo: Let's try something new this week, I'm going to eliminate your urge to kill through hypnotherapy.

As we fade out, we close in on the shadow of a pocket watch swaying upon a framed plaque on the wall that reads "Certificate of Fraudulent Hypnotherapy"

Basically the rest was of the film was a music montage ( to make it more RomCom than creepy) of Norman posting a want ad, which is answered by a female sock puppet serial killer. They go to the park and do fun, datey things while trying to stab each other when the other isn't looking. They eventually realise they are alike in their blood lust and team up to kill a cheerleader sock puppet and eventually thank the Dr. for the inadvertent matchmaking by stabbing him.

After filming the whole thing on Saturday, we couldn't sync up the guy's camera to my laptop to edit it and I was so sick of the process and sleep deprived, we decided to chalk it up to experience and sleep in on Sunday.

So I bailed on the project, but I learned a lot. I kept the Dr. Puppet, whose photos grace this blog post. Best of all, I have extra socks left over from the package I bought for the puppets. Huzzah!


  1. That sounds like my kind of movie! Pity you bailed on finishing it :( Oh well, I at least had fun reading the screenplay. And your shadow shot being one the characters is super cool! I believe this is the first 'film star' shadow shot we've had. Sure, the film wasn't completed but who cares! Your socks rock! You rock! Your sister Amy rocks! Thanks heaps for joining in SSS! Such a fun entry :)

    Oh regarding the link, most people just add their blog links. It doesn't need to be the post link, but that's fine. Some people do it that way. Whatever you prefer is ok. Have a great Sunday!

  2. very original! maybe one day we will see him in film. He's quite the character!

  3. As a taxidermist...I'll never look at taxidermy quite the same...cute shot.


  4. Great shadow shot. And adorable puppet!

  5. Welcome! Glad you're joining the fun of posting shadow shots. LOL! I love your creative shadow shot!


  6. What crazy fun! We love sock puppets (hours of entertainment for children!!)
    Glad you participated this week!
    Karla & Karrie

  7. Very cute and original shadow!..he looks like quite a character..with a lot to share! :D

  8. So glad you have joined us! You will have so much fun with this and before you know it you will be totally addicted to shadows. Love your funny shot... one day when you're rich and famous director I'll say, I knew her when!

  9. Love the sock puppet and shadow..The play was on its way..keep it going..

  10. I hope you'd instead say "I knew him when." Unless I suddenly become an Ed Wood type director and remade "Glen or Glenda" (I'd have to call it "Glenn or Glennda," of course).

  11. I love the sock puppet pictures! That would be neat if you had a whole family of sock puppets in a picture and framed it nicely. haha.
    Great story line too, it's a little bit Mr. and Mrs. Smith except they aren't trying to kill each other. "One minute you're buying flowers the next minute your dumping her body into a river"
    instant classic, if it was actually made.

  12. I love the sock puppet pictures! That would be neat if you had a whole family of sock puppets in a picture and framed it nicely. haha.
    Great story line too, it's a little bit Mr. and Mrs. Smith except they aren't trying to kill each other. "One minute you're buying flowers the next minute your dumping her body into a river"
    instant classic, if it was actually made.

  13. I love the whole story behind thse film shots! Absolutely fantastic! The movie genre sounds like a whole lot of fun!
